February 7, 2025

5 Important Types Of Dental Procedures

Dental Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry belongs to a specialized treatment where the dentists have to step into the shoes of an artist. You not only visit the dentists with a sever gum ache caused by infections and expect a proper cure but they’re also artists that help in enhancing the smile and make us look beautiful. For example, if you have recently lost a front tooth and lacking your confidence for not smiling properly, then you can opt for dental implant. This is known as a permanent cure for a missing tooth. Visit http://quebecimplantologie.ca/prix-competitifs/ to gather more information about it. So like that there are different other procedures we’ll know about here.

Dental implant

Normally, dentists use metallic or ceramic dental implants as they ensure longevity. Implants or a dental implant is done to patients when a tooth or more than one tooth is lost. It is the procedure of making the base on which the artificial tooth is placed. These metal posts are surgically planted on the jaw bone that will work as an anchor for the replacement teeth.

Maxillofacial treatment

If anyone unfortunately faced an accident which crashed the jawline, cosmetology dentistry suggests maxillofacial treatment where the jawline is completely operated by the doctors to retain the perfect shape of a human face. After that, along with dental implant, new teeth are implanted on the newly formed jawline after it gets healed completely.

Endodontic or Root canal

This is mainly processed for recovering the pulp lying beneath the tooth. It is the source through which the tooth is nurtured. Sometimes, the pulp gets infected and causes severe pain. This is the high-time when the dentists recommend root canal treatment to the patients. Deep cavity, broken tooth, injuries etc are responsible for the damaging of the pulp.


This is the dental procedure that is done by the orthodontists. They place the braces considering the right measurements of the gums. The braces are mainly given for shaping up the jawline as well as the teeth. Different types of braces are used these days considering the purpose and the price, you can select. Dentures are also used as artificial tooth but in the long term, it’s not a good option.


It is the process of removing the tooth from the socket on the jaw bone. Sometimes eroded or the broken tooth has to be extracted to replace it with a new implant. This often becomes a painful episode for many which is why the dentists extract out the tooth after sedating the mouth.